by Christopher Barr │POSTED ON NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Black Friday
and the crazy events that occur at department stores isn’t necessarily a sign
of the fall of civilization leading to an apocalypse, but it is a
representation of all that is indecent in society, manifesting itself when
those front doors open and waves of heathen shoppers storm over each other to get
to that buy one, get one free doll for their kid or that wall-sized flat screen
TV that’s half off.
There is
this cycle that the world’s greatest civilizations go through that starts with
bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from great
courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to
dependence; and from dependence back to bondage only to go round and round
again. This savage behaviour is new in
America because when I was a kid this certainly didn’t happen. Black Friday is one more little nudge as
the decline in society furthers. Again,
not the death of us all, if you want that look no further then the Fukushima
power plant in Japan to state a case on that.
What we do
have here are people running amok, without having a clue as to truly why they
are doing it. This consumer culture is
so saturated with advertising telling people the only thing they can do to
complete themselves is buy ‘things’ is a sign of a sick society. Reading books and discovering what it means
for you to be alive on this planet in this time are signs of a healthy society,
sadly that isn’t a society I ever heard of, maybe little pockets in Europe.
The corporate
executives have their worker sheep tending to the wolves while they collect all
their greed money. It’s sad to see this
because people, average people and let’s face it, not the brightest, have no
idea how dooped they really are. Some
camp out before the midnight madness gets underway as most are still digesting
their Thanksgiving turkeys. It’s horrifying
to see such animalism among a society of people that are told they are members
of the greatest country on this planet.
Certainly beyond the looking glass most of the world knows this not to
be true, as they sit and watch video upon video on YouTube, of Americans making
complete fools of themselves.
Let’s not
forget that all Americans aren’t savages, so they too will shake their heads at
their own countrymen as they trip and fall their way over to the electronics
department to get their hands of that last doorbuster, as members of the media
film the whole thing to later make fun of it on national news. There have been people shot, stabbed, pepper-sprayed,
kicked, punched, split on and verbally assaulted so crazed shoppers can get
into the store only to find out that the product they wanted has been sold
out. What they don’t know is these
doorbusters are purposely understocked so the department store can sell other
products at their regular prices.
We are
taught to hate ourselves so we buy things to correct that presumed fact. Maybe it’s a desperate attempt at saving face
in a society that, for the most part steam-rolls over the average person trying
to make their way in the world, even if it’s a narrow-American-minded world. Regardless the bait is set and the animals
come. To me it’s odd to have such a need
for something like a pot and pan set that turns you into a crazed lunatic. But I think we all know it’s not quite that,
what it is; is displaced anger and a desire to fill in the gaps of that American
dream that you we promised. It’s about
taking what’s yours and to fuck with everyone else.
It’s actually
about narcissism because I can tell you that intellectuals and mindful people wouldn’t
be caught dead crashing a door for a Guttenberg Bible, no more than you would
see a Buddhist strapping a bomb to his chest and running into a Hindu café. Walmart and the like know that their average
customer isn’t the smartest tool in the shed, so they know that they can easily
manipulate them with just a little piece of cheese. Sadly there are too many people ready for the
thrills of cheap prices and in some cases, are ultimately too blind to see that
they have bought into the spectacle of crowd mentality, driven debauchery.
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